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When it comes to your home you can never be too safe. Intruders and thieves shouldn’t be something you have to worry about on a daily basis, but where do you start? It can seem like there are a myriad of options and that gets overwhelming – from do-it-yourself solutions to calling in the big guns and having them come outfit your home.

I think we can all agree that the worst thing to do is nothing, so Butler Durrell is here to help with your security questions and show you a few reasons why it’s important to even just get a home security quote on your own home.

1.  It’s free!
You can’t beat free right? Often times, getting a home security quote is a free estimate. Whether you end up using the service or not it can’t hurt to at least try a free quote to educate yourself.

2.  Professionally installed security will always beat DIY
While there are plenty of very sophisticated do-it-yourself solutions on the market, most of them aim more at being cost-effective than they do at keeping your home as safe as possible. Having professionals, who have worked in the smart home security industry for years, come out and inspect your home, give you professional tips, and who have likely seen it all before can’t be beat by a box in the mail. It’s worth your money and time for something as precious as your own home.

3.  Professionals can educate you on the spot
With these aforementioned professionals doesn’t just come great results, the service also comes with great knowledge. We don’t just want you to feel safe because we did a good job we want to explain to you why you’re safe; and that kind of education, even in the quote stage, is something you can use.

4.  Begin a bond with someone who will protect you
Again, this isn’t to say that DIY security systems aren’t useful, but another reason a professional security service quote will be more advantageous is that you can actually meet and form a bond with those guarding your home. It will feel good having the peace of mind meeting the faces that will help protect you.

5.  Save money on homeowner’s insurance
Although this perk may not kick in until you’ve actually purchased a wireless security system through a professional, it’s worth getting a quote to see how much you could save on homeowner’s insurance with a security system. In general homeowners received a 10-20% discount just for having a smart home security system installed!

6.  St. Louis Crime is unfortunately a problem
We love our city and there’s so many beautiful and wonderful things about it, however, it’s no secret that as of April, 2017 St. Louis is the murder capital of the United States. That’s not something anyone here is proud of and a home security system can help mitigate that issue. That way you can enjoy all the great sights and events St. Louis has to offer – enjoying the city the way its meant to be.

Feeling safe in your own home shouldn’t be a question – you deserve to feel secure when you’re home. The experts at
Butler Durrell Security are here to make sure that you feel that way after one of our in home quotes. We can show you where cameras will be placed, how our system protects against more than just burglars with fire monitoring, and let you meet our staff of professionally trained and caring technicians.

Contact Butler Durrell Security today for a free home security quote to get your St. Louis home safe and secure, so you can enjoy the relaxation that comes with safety.