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6 Benefits of Access Control Technology

access control keycardBusinesses that want to keep their building secure should seriously consider an access control system.

While businesses with less than 10 employees might be able to get by on traditional lock and key setups, a wide array of businesses and industries find these systems extremely beneficial.

Access control can help mitigate security risks and allows a facilities department to avoid headaches. Even most retail businesses have certain areas they want restricted from customers.

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6 Access Control Benefits

1. Simplify Employee Turnover: High attrition businesses, apartment complexes, and college campuses can easily remove access to one individual keycard or replace a lost card without having to issue new keys to everyone.

scientist working in a restricted area2. Restrict Specific Areas: In most businesses, employees aren’t given full reign of every closet, office, and floor. One group, like the HR Department, might have sensitive documents and information that shouldn’t be available to all employees. Access control keycards can be set up to restrict exactly who can go where.

3. Save Energy and Money: Believe it or not, access control systems can be integrated with other building systems like lighting or even the heating and cooling system. The most advanced of these systems can tell exactly what areas of a building need light or even temperature adjustment at any given moment.

4. Protect Valuables: If your business has valuables, especially items with a street value, access keycards can identify exactly who entered after hours. This could help to catch a culprit or potentially prevent items from going missing. With regular keys, there’s no way of telling which employee unlocked the door after hours.

5. Multi-Shift Work Environments: If you have a lot of employees constantly coming and going, managers might not be able to recognize every employee. Access cards help identify impostors and allow authorized employees to come and go without hassle.

6. Multi-Location Access: For businesses with several locations or a campus of buildings, access control can help ensure managers and workers can travel from building to building or location to location with ease.

Non-Commercial Uses for Access Control

Graphical image of a hospital buildingSchools, hospitals, government buildings, municipal facilities, college campuses, apartment complexes, country clubs, and community facilities are just a few of the many organizations that can reap the benefits of access control.

Sometimes it’s necessary to restrict the public from entering a facility. And the ability to set up multiple levels of interior access can help an organization sort out who’s allowed to go where much easier than with traditional metal keys.

Want to Learn More About Access Control Technology?

Butler Durrell Security installs, services, and upgrades several types of access control systems in small, mid-size, and large facilities. Contact us to learn more about commercial security and the benefits of access control solutions.

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